Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Few More Sides Of Ammon

Just wanted to remember how busy my little guy really is. And I mean he's really busy...

Under my sink has been his favorite place to stop and play. I don't wear much makeup, but he seems to like it...

My spray bottle seems to double as a water bottle. At least he stays hydrated!

Shoes, shoes and more shoes. He loves to wear shoes. If he's not wearing his own, he will raid his sisters closets, but mostly my closet... Cute but a bit frustrating when I'm in a hurry somewhere and I can't find the other one.

If Ammon brings me a pen, pencil or marker...that usually means he's done with whatever art he has created...on the walls! *sigh*
And of course the garbage! He will dig through and find all kinds of treasures. He will even eat leftovers...I promise we feed him enough!
So far this entry sounds like I'm describing a pet. He is our little family pet for sure!


Palmer Family said...

Kylee is getting Nixon's one-year pictures this week or next. We'll have to compare him with Ammon. I still think they look like twins.
I'll send you copies when we get them... and yes... I know... we need to update our blog... getting on it.

Stacey DeMille Wardwell said...

What a stinker!