Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blueberry Buddies

I've been on this 'food storage' kick lately. For many years I've felt we needed to get on top of this daunting task. It's not until now that I'm feeling confident in doing it. A few weeks ago a group of us went to a peach farm and gathered peaches, and canned, froze and jellies them. It's so fun and rewarding to see those peaches on my shelf begin the beginning of "being prepared". Well another friend had a connection to a field of blueberry bushes. So we got together Saturday morning and for about 3 hours, picked a 5 gallon bucket full EACH!
(camera phone pics)
I wasn't a big blueberry fan before this, but knew my kids loved them and it would be nice to have variety...well, eating them right off the bush...Oh I'm a believer! These were as plump and juicy as grapes...and as sweet! Oh so perfect! And they were FREE DOLLARS!
It was a hot...VERY hot and VERY sweaty day. I'm still missing my western dry climate, this humidity is a killer, sweat went all the way down our shirts!!! (Note to self, wear sports bra next time.) But it was worth it. This picture was at the nearest gas station...we went to the nearest refrigerator and opened it up to cool off...oops it was wine coolers...oh well, it was funny. Wendy Marler and Kristi Henderson were my blueberry buddies! Thanks Kristi for the blueberry connection!!!
This bucket made up 6 gallon sized bags. That was after giving some away. Soon I will be able to preserve them and have them to eat year round! As you can see, the kids, especially Ammon, just sat and ate them for a long time.

1 comment:

The Grush's said...

I am jealous. Seriously jealous. Believe me, this is just the start for you. That rewarding feeling is something I crave every year.