Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2 Years Ago...

It has been two years since we started this blog. We think it has been the best journal/scrapbook we've done in years. It has been so fun to look back at all that has happened in the past 2 years. Much has changed and a lot of growing up has happened. Two years ago:

* We only had 4 kids
* We were in the planning stages of our new house
* Only 2 kids were in school
* Trent was 2nd counselor in the Bishopric (I miss those days)
* I taught swim lessons part time at the YMCA
* ....and much more, that I can't remember

We hope you have appreciated these updates as much as we have. We wish everyone a Fabulous new year that approaches. 2009 will be full of all kinds of events...birthdays, mile stones, vacations, new primary classes, Ammon will start nursery (Sept-but whose counting), pioneer treking, date nights, many colds and fevers, visits from tooth fairy, school programs, soccer games, basketball games, swim lessons?, piano lessons?, hurricane season, droughts, baptism, new neices/nephews...and so much more. We hope you will cherish these moments as much as we do. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Jill Ison said...

I wish I started my blog 2 years ago! they are so great, I agree!

Randy Wardwell said...

Please never stop doing this, Rhonda - it means the world to us. I check it about every day. Thanks for working hard to keep us feeling a part of your lives.


Brittany said...

wow that was all 2 yrs ago? i swear it was last year...just shows how fast time flies by! i love reading your blog, it's a great journal. my sister told me that you can eventually print your blog out into a scrapbook like thing. don't know how...but i think that's pretty cool. anyway, i just love ya and your fam!!