Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

This year I finally got myself a bit more organized in the Christmas Eve Tradition. Growing up, my family always did the reenactment of the Nativity. But being apart of a very large family, their was always a person for every part, props were more more excuses. I made due with what we had and we had a great time. We were able to remember our Saviors birth by putting ourselves in the shoes of those humble servants of the Lord that made this event possible. Rian and Jarom were Mary and Joseph while Raegan was an angel and a wise man with Tarin and mom. Dad and Ammon were the shepherds...and Missy, I'm going to get you...I didn't get a pic of our Inn keeper. But we had a great evening with family and celebration.

Our live Nativity.

Ri and Jay are Mary and Ammon wasn't baby Jesus! ;o)

Opened up new PJ's for bedtime. Not everyone is happy in group pictures...the more in the pic, the less likely you'll have everyone smiling.

Opened up new ornaments to put on the tree. I was thinking 5X ?years...that is a lot more ornaments to add.

Ammon's First Christmas.

Leaving a note for Santa, with cookies and carrots.


Mandy said...

What fun traditions! I remember doing basically those same things with my family! I can't wait until Kimball is old enough to participate more! And Dusty and I are still "negotiating" which traditions we will implement (his or mine)! I think I will win because I am the one that does all the planning! But, I am definitely showing him this post as "back up!"

Coach Lee said...

i'd like to know how you were able to post your pictures like have this stuff down so much better than i do :)

The Schaefer's said...

We used to do this in our family, too (until I was about 10 or 11 and didn't feel it was "cool" to do anymore). My grandpa always played the part of the still makes us giggle to this day. My mom even went as far as to make felt beards and mustaches one year for my brothers. She also decorated soda bottles and boxes to look like the Wisemen's gifts. It's fun to look back on those pictures.