Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday Rian, Dear!

Rian Marin Wardwell was born 9 years ago, yesterday the 28th! She was born in American Fork Hospital in Utah. I will never forget how anxious I was to have my first child. She is our oldest cutie pie and is growing up way to fast. I tear up thinking about all the many moments she has created. But I look forward to seeing how wonderful she will impact many lives in the future. Though she has her moments of contention, she has a sweet heart and a love for everyone. I wish I had a digital baby pic to show what a transformation she has made in the last 9 years. She is becoming a little lady. Here she is just over 4 years ago playing T-ball.

Trent had gotten up earlier then usual to make Rian a good pancake breakfast for her birthday. Don't look to closely at the candle...we ran out of candles (it says #2). Also, a new tradition at school that seems to work wonders, Trent likes to go in at lunch and buy the class ice cream.
One gift that will last a long time was Rian's room. I wanted to do something special for her, that would individualize her. Coming from a big family, it's nice to have something personal and all your own. Imagine, the walls were white and bare, with only a bed and dresser...also a white sheet to cover the window. Being on a budget (aren't we all)I really stuck to a good deal. Paint, letters and trim for the lamp, were all that I paid for. I painted the green she wanted with the same texture as Jarom's room.
I rummaged through unpacked boxes and found items here and there to add to her room. The fabric for the window treatment, I made, was given years ago when I worked with a seamstress. Even the lamp on her dresser was from our first apartment 10 years ago. And of course the vanity, Rian helped me refinish it...I still need to find a bench for it.

Lo and behold, these cute butterflies were from girls camp two years ago (it's good to be around functions when they are cleaning up). Kat, remember those!

Even though Rian can be tough like a boy, she still has the instincts of a girl. She was so excited to have her name in cute letters and ribbon.

Gma Wardwell sent Rian some fun items as well. Thank you so much. She was looking at that package for days and groaned that I smiled at her curiosity.

Finally, one last mom and dad gift (another great deal, thank you ebay), Rian had gotten an MP3 player. She's not huge into music, but she does appreciate music and loves to listen to it. I found she and I share similar taste in music, so hopefully we can help each other out. ;o)


Coach Lee said...

Happy bday Ri Ri. Can't believe it's already been a year since we were out there for your baptism. Time flies

Alice said...

Rian's room turned out really cute. Tell Rian happy birthday from us! What a beautiful girl. I will always remember what a cute baby she was. Jeff loved to babysit her when you guys were still in Provo. It was a good chance for me to see how good he was with kids. So, Rian's a part of our dating memories. What a special niece.

The Schaefer's said...

Happy Birthday, Rian! You're such a cutie! We love having you in Primary.
Rhonday, great job on her room. I may have to have you help me if we can ever get Hannah to clean her room (she needs a bulldozer at this stage of the game).