Friday, May 1, 2015

"New Car"

Meet CiCi, our 'newest' addition.  The car Trent had been driving was a leased car for the company his parents owned.  With that dissolved, we needed to find a car fast.  I was at the mechanic having them look over a prospect car (which turned out to be a dud) and they mentioned they had a 2000 Toyota Celica they were trying to sell.  The engine had been rebuilt and many other components were also recently replaced.  Although it was an older car, we were looking for something that we could pay low cash for and was reliable.  We decided to do it. 

Everything inside was original, including the technology.  Last car was push start and keyless with bluetooth.  So to compensate, Trent bought a new stereo with blue tooth capabilities.  Bring a little new with the old.  It was a good buy and a fun sporty car. (BTW they don't make celicas anymore, so she's a classic) ;o)

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