Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Break Week

Spring Break, I had to do something...getting out of town and changing up routine is always nice.  Kids have a hard time the first little while, but quickly realize how much fun we have together.  The drive is always the hardest part, because its really long.   So thankful my parents have a cabin we can retreat to because there is no cell service and we are 'forced' to hang out! :o)  Early Monday morning we got up and headed south to AZ, making it to Payson by about 1pm and hit the store for groceries.  We had a lot of fun getting goodies we don't normally buy.  It was also fun, because having all 5 kids tag near the shopping cart was like old times, but all grown up.  My little chickens were pushing the cart and joking around keeping the experience alive.  A memory I will cherish.  Because it had been a long day already, we relaxed and explored and watched a movie.
Next morning was pancakes and hang out.  We started a puzzle, kids found the old playstation games and we did a late Easter Egg Hunt.

I know, egg hunt over kill (for Ammon maybe) but the older kids don't get much egg hunting fun  anymore, so I just had to do it.  I hid some of them really hard.  So hard, I had to count them and keep track of some places.  They had fun and I loved watching them.

Checking out the loot they scored!

Later that afternoon, we hit Tonto Natural Bridge State Park.  It had been since my freshman year in college that I had been here, so it was cool to be back and show my kids. 
Tonto Natural Bridge is a natural arch in Arizona, USA, that is believed to be the largest natural travertine bridge in the world. -Wikipedia

Up top we looked at the view of what we were about to go explore.

On the trail down, Jarom wanted to experience the cactus...

Luckily, it wasn't a busy day with people.  It was massive and much more beautiful then I remembered.

Water dripped from above in some places so it was fun to get a little wet, but the breeze blew through making it a little bit cold.  But climbing in and out of the rocks was really exciting. 

Jarom, Raegan and Ammon all took the challenge to jump in the icy cold water.  Swimming isn't allowed, but they took the plunge anyway.  I have it all on video, wish it would post on here...
Finally, I had to get a picture of us all together...sheesh, I'd like to make it into at least one picture as proof I was there :o)  Tarin was a little sad in this picture for good reason.  She went all the way through and went up stream and waited and waited.  She thought we were coming too and she was alone wondering what had happened.  I tried calling for her because I wasn't sure where she had all worked out.

Next morning, Uncle Dan (my brother) was able to make his way up to hang out with us.  I love when he comes up.  For lunch we went to Willow Lake, up on the Rim.  Sadly, it was really really windy with cold winds.  We stuck it out as long as we could...

Jarom wanted to see how far he could make it on the log

Ammon wanted to try it too.  Uncle Dan helped him out.  Notice, Ammon has his swim suit on.  We hoped to take a dip, but it was super cold.

Sat on the dock to eat lunch.

He brought his suit and was determine to live up to his usual challenge...jumping into the freezing cold water.  I have this on video too.  He did it, he went all the way under... then quickly jumped out and wrapped up into his warm, dry clothes.

Later, back behind the cabin, uncle Dan took Jarom to try some shooting.  Jarom did pretty good.  

The girls had taken off to explore, Ammon and I did too.  He liked trying out the old broken down tree fort and other trees to climb.

That night Dan made his cobbler in his dutch oven.  It was really good.

I love watching the kids play together and be silly.  This was upstairs in the loft.

These sticks of gum were part of what Ammon had earned at home from Conference from the Conference cash.  Wednesday night, he gave them to me and said, "Happy Birthday".  The next day was my birthday, and he gave up his prize to me.  It touched my heart.  I tried to let him have it back, but he insisted.  My sweet little boy.

Next morning was my birthday.  I made eggs and pancakes...Jarom comes in and puts the candle on my pancake and said, "Dad told me I had to find a way to get this in front of you some time during this day."  It was really sweet.  Everyone sang to me.

Afterward, we cleaned up the cabin, packed up and headed down to the valley to see my parents and my other siblings.

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