Monday, March 8, 2010

Snickers Marathon Energy Bar Race

6am, I've eaten a great breakfast, all dressed and ready to go. Am I beaming? Yep, I'm excited! Ammon wasn't too sure what to think, but he liked it too. BTW Kiley, love the shirt!

Snickers Marathon Energy Bar Race
Here I come! Thanks honey for documenting my day. Here I am at mile 10 and haven't stopped yet. I decided I would get a drink and walk a bit...and to my surprise, there was my cute family cheering section! They are so cute. Half of them didn't know what to do, but some waved and cheered amidst the cold, frosty morning. Love you guys!

"hi guys!"

'Drink' in the lovely scenery. It was a fantastic race with great neighborhoods, people cheering on and well organized. Just might do this one again...


Stacey DeMille Wardwell said...

I am sooooo impressed. However, I knew you would run the race with colors flying. You are the woman. Congratulations, we're really proud and are in awe of your accomplishment!!!!

davidcarriebrownfam said...

Wow! That's so awesome! I'm just trying to build up to a 5K, so I can't really imaging running that far! Great job! That is truly inspirational!

Cheryl Smith said...

YAY for you! You look great (super skinny) and it sounds like you had a great time!