Friday, October 9, 2009

I am finally here in the desert state of home state. Ahh the pale blue skies and...palm trees...I know kind of funny.

Kind of weird how the Superstition Mnts blend in with the sky...gotta love that there are Walmarts everywhere...but I do love how there are orange trees everywhere here in Mesa...

My mom took me to the fabric fabric, to bad I'm living from a suitcase and can only take THE suitcase home...

So I get to the ATL airport last night and waited and waited in lines...I was talking to this gentlemen and he said something that made me think twice when we went our separate ways...he said, "have a safe flight!" What? Who says that in and airport! I know it's one of those "break a leg" kind of lines, but I don't get out much, so I sure hope I have a safe flight...and I did. I could feel my lips start to crack and feel dry when passing over New Mexico and land in AZ. Yep, home sweet home, dry as the dirt on the ground. But it's what I called home for 19 years of my life...gotta love it!

This little guy is my sudo-Ammon for now. Nixon is such a sweetie pie...

banana faces are so lovable

Kylee , my sis-in-law, has a boutique and does her own clothing line called Rag Doll Clothing such fabulous stuff.

Grown up ties from china

We were driving down the road and I saw this guy with this bike, I had my mom turn around and go back, because I had to get a picture. His name is Joe and he builds these bikes. You can go to his website Phoenix Trike Works and take a look. I was kind of embarrassed to take these, although I'm sure he loved it, so I didn't get the shinny chrome pictures I wanted...the sun out here is so bright that this thing just sparkled! Humm to take a spin in this would be kind of liberating...or flash back from childhood hot wheels...can't decide.


Wendy said...

Your nephew looks just like Ammon! And Jarom would love to ride one of those big-boy hot wheel bikes. Have a FUN trip!

Kiley said...

Yea, totally thought you took Ammon with you until I saw the caption. That's crazy how much they look alike