Sunday, June 14, 2009

Deer Attack

I knew this day would come. A few weeks ago we had evidence of a deer in our garden. Luckily, he/she only munched on the sunflower plants.

Here is what is left of Tarin's sunflower plant.

Jarom's was stripped the worst. Fortunately they are still alive today and trying to recover.

"Anyone got a shot gun!?"


Chrissy said...

Well, I recently had the same problem as well, so I called in a favor from my beloved Edward. He came right away, and took care of those deer for me. Who needs shot guns when you know a thirsty vegetarian vampire!

The Schaefer's said...

No shotgun needed. Just run to Home Depot and get some stuff called "Deer Off." Lori Clark recommended it to us. It works MIRACLES...and it's all natural--no chemicals.