I had the opportunity to attend my first Time Out for women. I left Friday afternoon with a friend, Heather Wright, and drove 3 hours to Columbia, South Carolina.

We checked into our hotel and headed over to downtown for the gathering of many ladies. We heard from Michael McLean, Kenneth Cope and Mark Mabry. Then we headed out for dinner at the Olive Garden. So nice to enjoy a night out...out of town. The next morning, sleeping in, a good breakfast at the hotel and back to downtown, we heard from Brent Top, DeAnn Flynn, Emily Freeman, Kenneth Cope and a few others. It was a fun environment...! For lunch we walked to a cute Mexican restaurant and loved relaxing the afternoon away. After a few more events, we headed back out on the open road toward Atlanta. After about an hour out of Augusta...well, let's just say we were busy talking and didn't realize I never stopped for that much needed gas fill up like I intended to when we got out of the big city...yep, we ran out of gas! Uhm, this never happens to me. I'm pretty good about being on top of this kind of stuff. As I'm laughing at myself, and ROLLING off to the side of the road, we realized we don't know where, in the middle of nowhere, we were. We had just passed Lake

Oconee a few minutes before, but that was all we knew. Good thing it was still daylight, so we set out and started to walk for the next exit to find out where we were, so we could call for help. Of course, two girls walking with truck flashing its' hazard lights...someone stopped. Scary, but we were careful not to get in or offer too much information. Turns out these cute older gentlemen drove 10 miles to Madison went to two stores (because gas cans were a rip off price) and filled up 2 gallons of gas, came all the way back, cut across the grassy median and gave our truck a thirsty gulp. We were able to make it to Madison and fill the tank to a comfortable level to get us back to our final destination : Home Sweet Home. It was a fun adventure and I had a great time. A great start to my Mother's Day weekend.
Ha. that is too funny, we can laugh since it all turned out well in the end. I am glad that those men were so kind and willing to help. You were smart to not divulge too much information. Sounds like a great weekend. I bet you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world again.
I would have never attempted to walk to a gas station. I would have just sat in the car, cried, called my husband, cried even harder, and waited for him to figure out how to solve my problem. I am too co-dependent. Way to be a woman, and solve it yourself!
Wow, a bit of a scary adventure. You handled it well. I can't even tell you how many times I was stranded in my earlier married life (mostly because we were so poor we had junk cars and I kept getting stuck places) I've had so many good Samaritans along the way....thank heavens for them all!
Great story! I'm glad it all turned out well. It would have been fun to hang out with you and Heather all weekend--you are both great ladies.
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