Monday, May 18, 2009

Dry Skin Quiz

Which of these products help excessively dry skin?!

Crisco wasn't my first choice either...but the doctor says some of my kiddos have a condition with extremely sensitive skin; they have dry "rash-like" skin. Also he says it's the cheapest per oz when compared to other products they could use. So after showers I lube them up with Crisco...don't worry I stayed away from the butter flavored kind. The comment, "Let's go fry them up," keeps coming up too.

On top of this whole sensitive skin issue, my poor Jarom had gone through an ordeal last week with poison ivy. I didn't think to get a picture, because the poor guy looked miserable. With all the new growth in our woods and nice weather, the kids have been busy outside. Well, Jarom and Rian were playing in the leaves last Tuesday and it wasn't until Thursday I became aware of anything. Because Jarom will have spontaneous outbreaks of hives, we have Benadryl handy. So Thursday morning he mentioned being itchy on his neck and face and we noticed around his eyes getting red...just though he was rubbing them real hard. Gave him a swig of Benedryl and sent him off to school. I went in to help in the classrooms that day (first stop was Tarin's class). Next thing I know, Jarom comes in with a note from his teacher asking what I thought. Maybe it was the lighting or it just flared up big time, but he looked like he had a red mask around his eyes...his teacher just wanted to make sure it wasn't chicken pox...I guess that's going around...the school nurse and I thought his allergies were manifesting...

To make a long story shorter, I took him to the doctor and I guess he is allergic (drum roll) to poison ivy! Maybe I'm not educated enough on this, but I though everyone would have a reaction to poison ivy, but only those who are allergic will get a reaction. Makes sense, because Rian didn't have any reaction. Poor kid got some in his eyes and is now on steroids to clear up his eyes and rashes. We are using crisco to soften his skin and to help prevent other irritations that could come from this condition, like bug other words he won't have such a flare up of irritations if we keep his skin healthier. Glad he's doing better this week!


Jill Ison said...

oh i didnt know that about poison ivy either! interesting. and crisco??? hmmm maybe i should try that! i have super dry skin and sometimes i think lotions really do dry you out in the end... wow i'm just learning all kinds of cool things from you!

The Schaefer's said...

I feel for you, Rhonda. Both of my kids had sensitive skin when they were babies. Their skin would peel it was so bad. We used a special soap, Phisoderm, and Moisturel lotion (it's Over the Counter but you sometimes have to have the pharmacist order it for you). I used to use Johnson's Baby Oil, too.

As far as the Poison Ivy, I'm DEATHLY allergic to it. The reactions get worse as you get older. The only advice I can give to avoid it is to teach Jarom what the plant looks like and keep him far away from it or anyone that has been around it (the worst case I got was from doing Harry's laundry). Also, Aveeno Oatmeal bath is very helpful after an outbreak. You can even make a mask of it for your face. Very soothing. I hope there isn't another incident this summer.