Friday, November 8, 2013

Home Improvement

I've been itching to do some home improvement!  I took a class through the UVU continuing education called "Finishing Your Basement".  I love it and learned so much.  But baby steps is how this process is going to happen.  Our furnace room or utility room is unfinished but has a vent to the outside so the furnace has an abundance of air.  Well, with the weather getting colder, I took this opportunity to start somewhere.  I decided to insulate this room and sheet rock the outside of it.


nice and snug on the inside and nice and snug in the rest of the basement.

Looking on the outside of this room from the unfinished basement

Insulation going in then sheet rock

the two sides are sheet rocked and ready for mudding.  I'm going to wait to mud until the rest of the basement is ready to be mudded.  BTW, the kids like it too, they are starting to build forts in the room next to it, hence the hanging blankets...glad we are all benefitting from this.

This is  a lot of fun for me.  Gosh I wish we had a load of money to do more projects! :o)

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