March 4th was suppose to be an ordinary night...dinner, kids bathed, and just relax... but that didn't quite happen. While Ammon was in the shower, he likes to play around with bubbles and clog up the drain with his bum or whatever a 6 yr old could dream up to do. Next thing I know, he's yelling for me to come. I take my time thinking he's just messing around. Turns out he decided to stick his little finger into the drain holes.
He tells me he has done this before and it always came back out. He started to panic...I was inwardly laughing, because only he would be the one that would make this into something so big. I was calm and used soap, then crisco and tried to slip his finger out. But he would squeal like he was in pain. It did appear to slice into his skin, so I unscrewed the attachments and decided to seek an urgent care.
Luckily there was one open, but about to close, so I ran him over...but they said they can't do anything, because it looked like it was cutting into the skin and they were worried it would be deeper damage. I ran over to the American Fork Hospital ER and started the check in process. You realize, he couldn't get a shirt on of any kind, so he wore a superhero cape and pj pants. It also started snowing, so he took the bear blanket to keep him calm and warm. He was kind of awkward. Such a cutie pie.
A conversation we had on the drive over to the ER...Am: Why did I ever do that?!
Me: I guess you will never do that again...
Am: I will never ever do that again!
The feeling he had when he said that was so serious and sincere that it warmed my heart. I explained that we can say a prayer that everything will be ok. That Heavenly Father will help him, but we need to ask. He agreed, and we said a prayer.
After check in, there were nurses that tried different tricks to thread off the metal, or slick it off...but ultimately decided to cut it off. They had a little blade that seemed to take forever, because they were trying to be careful with the finger. At last, he was free...
He was so relieved! And...our prayer was answered, his finger was completely fine, and not as bad as it appeared. So good, it barely cut the top layer of the skin and had no bleeding, only swelling, which is why it appeared so bad. Total of 40 mins in the ER, antiseptic, a band aid and we were headed home with only memories to talk about. Lets just say he slept well that night. He was exhausted from worry for the worst case scenario. I love my boy and glad he was ok. I'm fully aware, that more adventures await in our paths as he gets more curious and adventurous.

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