Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Heard Me...

This is a bitter sweet announcement. For the past few months I have been reflecting on this decision. If anything this has helped me to take a look around me and see what I have. I guess you could say I have been counting my blessings...I love Georgia and all that is has to offer (aside from the humidity and bugs). Even took a look at the community of friends at the kids' schools and in their activities. The family here has been so great, I will be sad to leave them. Living here over 11 years has definitely found a place in my heart. But the past year or so has been the hardest for our family. Experiencing the roller coaster of job loss and other contributing factors we are ready to take the leap of faith and cultivate hope that this opportunity will bring a growing future to our family's well being.

Breaking the news to the kids was literally a emotional ride. We did a scavenger hunt with clues leading back to the table with letters to unscramble. Rian was pretty proud of herself that she picked off the hints and figured it out...but then reality set in. The idea of starting over with friends, schools and a whole new culture will be hard. But as we told them, we have prayed about it and as long as we do what is right, the Lord will lead and guide us. It will be a long road, since Trent will start work out there in a few short weeks. The rest of us will follow end of the school year. The kids were sad to hear that news. It will be tough doing this alone, but I know the Lord will be near. So pray for us that our house will sell. I have worked off my back side in repairs and upkeep, since it wasn't on our priority list the past year. Donating to charities, cleaning out air vents, painting walls, repairing sheet rock, wiping down base it, I've done it. I hope all this work will pay off. We will list the house in a week or so...Pray for a decent sale! Thanks


Troy & Kristin said...

Let us know if you need anything! Help getting the house ready, or babysitting, or whatever! We sure ar sad to see you guys go but know you need to do what's best for your family! Good luck! Wish we could have spent more time together! At least you'll be here a little while longer :)

The Grush's said...

Good Luck with everything. Things work out when you follow the spirit. We had experiences this weekend that have really strengthened my testimony of this. We did not find a house but a situation that could potentially be just what we need right now to get where we need and want to be.

Kendall said...

I love you guys…so much! I have to say I am super excited that you are coming back! I too, know the heartache and stress that you guys have gone through. Please let me know what I can do to help. Love you!

Wendy said...

Okay--I'm glad I checked your blog for the inside scoop!! WOw!! I know the emotions you're all feeling--believe me. We still have a special place in our heart for Georgia--our friends there were our family. We've been in Utah 18 months and many times when it's gotten tough and lonely, I think back on the strong spiritual impressions Justin and I had that led us here, and we rely on that. I must say how shocked I was that our kids so quickly transitioned to a new school, state, and friends. Like the first week of school they made their BFFs. It's been a longer road for me to make friends, but I'm glad my kids have theirs. And as much as we loved our neighborhood and schools in GA, my kids often say how much more they like school in Utah--surprising. Anyway, I hope I can see you more now. Which part of Utah? There's lots of houses for sale and rent in Daybreak/South Jordan. We love the neighborhood. Good luck with your house sale! We put ours for sale the beginning of Feb. and it went under contract end of July--it was a long 6 months but totally worth it in the end. It's really nice to be within driving distance to family now--I'm sure you're looking forward to that also.