Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hair Designs

So I've gotten myself onto Pintrest and I've found some great ideas from hair to food to cleaning tips. Here is one hair idea I found. Rian was a good sport.

Being the first time doing this, I didn't realize how much time this SHOULD this was about 9:30pm and bedtime so when we took it out it was too soon. So it wasn't the best result.

I tried it again with Raegan (sorry no pics) and let it sit for several hours and it turned out better, but still not the greatest result. So here is what I learned. Instead of getting the hair REALLY only dampen the hair. When it is too wet, I could take 24 hours to dry with it all wadded up. Using gel in the damp hair helps to keep it's strength when dry. I will attempt this again soon.

1 comment:

Stacey DeMille Wardwell said...

Awesome! I think Rian looks great and how fun to experiment!!