Friday, October 22, 2010

Dear Washing Machine...

Yesterday you gave me quite a scare! I thought you had chosen to give up the many many memories we have had together...I was so sad to think you didn't want to wash the multiple loads of dirty, grungy and smelly articles of clothing we willingly had given you to make better.I know your knobs and hinges have seen better days. I know I could wipe the dust off your many working parts more often...I will try to be better to you...
I was so glad to find out you weren't giving up on us, but only having a short fever of gravity-pull. Your drain is clear and suctioning perfectly now! Let's keep many more years of moving parts and productivity between us!
This motto on my wall will always be dedicated to you washer! Keep up the good work!
From now on, this is the image I have burned in my memory to keep me going all week, every week...
Sincerely yours,
The Wardwells

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You are hilarious! I love the vinyl quote, by the way.