Wednesday, March 11, 2009


As you can see we are preparing our lovely, spotted-with-grass side yard to plant a garden... Yep, we are all excited! Saturday the raised sides will be built. In the mean time, we had top soil delivered...

This top soil is the good stuff. With all of the Georgia red clay, we needed some brought in. This much dirt, meant a large dump truck...backing in to dump on our garden...wait, it doesn't look like it made it to the spot...

I guess it did rain and snow a lot the past couple of weeks. It's actually quite the sight see, so make a drive by and see the Grand Canyon that so recently carved it's way through our yard. Really, it's about 2 feet deep! We weren't sure the dump truck was going to make it out!
We've got our work cut out! Shovels, wheelbarrows, sweat and tears...the kids will do just fine!


Cheryl Smith said...

Gardens are so much fun! Enjoy it and make sure to get those kiddos involved! (It will save you a lot of money too!)

Robin said...

I cant wait to have a back yard that will allow us to have a garden... some day. good luck!

The Schaefer's said...

Harry really doens't want to do a garden because he says,"Just you'll do all this work, put all this blood, sweat, and tears into it. You'll get your first buds on those plants, and those blasted deer will eat every last one of those blossoms!" :c{ I'd invest in some "Deer Off." It's all natural...Lori Clark recommended it to us. You can get it at Home Depot. We're going to attempt some lettuce...a very small garden to start. Too many vermin in the yard :c) Good luck!

DeAnn said...

Yes, it's good to have lots of extra work for kids. Good luck with the garden. Georgia soil is one thing I do not miss!

Mandy said...

We are filling in our new garden box today too!