Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's Warming Up

Yep, the snow is almost gone. But the warmth is sooo nice! Not because I'm from Arizona...but so the kids can get out of the house and do something else. We decided to break out the wagon and let the fun begin. Ammon decided he likes getting free rides. Oh if only you knew the drama of how much my girls love their baby brother. As soon as the bus stops, Tarin is the first off and running to see Ammon. Rian is close behind and they fight over who gets to hold him. Here, I found a compromise where Rian gets to pull the wagon and Tarin rides in it with Ammon...believe it or not, they fought over who got to pull him.

Tarin loooves her brother! If he wasn't almost as big as her, she would carry him around like a doll and dress him up...oh wait, they do dress him up...

He barely shows his teeth, but he does have 7 or 8.

This is my favorite expression on his's his cabbage patch face!

This perfectly shows how much Rian mothers her little brother. She will carry him, change diapers and make sure he's apart of things.


Jill Ison said...

ammon is soooooooooooooo cute. i can see why your girls fight over him! isnt warm weather great? I love the thaw. not sure if we have a "thaw" here but we sorta do and i love it.

Brittany said...

how cute! don't you love it when siblings love and play so well together? it's so awesome. your kids are adorable. all of them! i can't believe how big ammon is getting. i love his cabbage patch face!!!

DeAnn said...

That is so sweet. Sadly, my kids have never been too into their younger siblings. Maybe someday.