Sunday, March 22, 2009

McIntosh Reserve

The Father and Son's campout was cancelled, so we and the Bake family decided to go camping anyway. McIntosh Reserve is only about 45 mins from our house in Whitesburg, GA next to the Chattahoochee River. We went hiking, Geo Cashing (GPS treasure hunting), practiced some baseball, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, flashlight wars, and woke up to a chilly low 30's next to a warm fire and good food. Besides a few cold fingers and toes, we woke up to a beautiful canvas and sounds. Everyone had a great time.

And yes, Tarin is the easiest to photograph, but because she didn't want to go GEO cashing with the rest, it was a good time for a photoshoot...


The Grush's said...

I loved the pictures of the river in the morning. It looks so peaceful.

The Schaefer's said...

Looks like fun. We like to go GEO caching, too. We haven't done in a while, though.

Jill Ison said...

you got some really beautiful photos! especially of Tarin. She is so purdy. I would love to come out that way sometime the scenery is amazing. just dust here...