Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ammon's 1st Birthday Celebration

Ammon is the Big 1 as of Thursday, March 19th! (We celebrate it on Sat. with family.) Wow, how fast a year blurs past. There is always something to get done or something to plan for ...the next thing you know, years pass you by. Every now and then I find myself looking through pictures and finding out how much our family really has experienced. It makes me sad that their are so many stresses that get in the way of what really matters...sad that I or any of us need constant reminder to remember our purpose here on this earth. We are to gain knowledge and raise our Heavenly Fathers children in His light.

Ammon is pure joy. He really does have the pure light of Christ, and I hope I can continue to teach him so he can sustain that light in his life. What a gift to raise a perfect child of God. Now here we are a year later and he is a lovable, healthy boy! He completes our family. I love you big, boy!

Here is the big guy opening gifts from Gma Wardwell...Thank you Gma!

Trent, Troy and Kristin had the same idea...great minds think alike!

Ammon was still a bit out of it from his nap, but started to test the cake...
but having 10 people watch him kind of scared him a little....

so daddy decided to help him out...or more like joined in on the fun...I think the plan was to show Ammon how to do it...but I'm thinking Trent wanted an excuse to paint himself with chocolate frosting...we all need to have fun too.

what a cute set of boys!


Coach Lee said...

oh my gosh, he is so freakin cute...i can't wait for Kayhlen's big day!

The Gardner Family said...

I cannot believe he is one already. It went by so fast. HE is one cute kid I love all of his rolls.

Cheryl Smith said...

Love that Trent got into the action!

DeAnn said...

Happy Birthday Ammon--how could it have already been a year? How could I have already lived in Wisconsin for 15 months?