Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Little Boy, Isn't So Little Anymore!

Just an update on how fast our little man is growing up. Here is a clip of how Ammon first started to "crawl". It was actually his 9month marker day. It's kind of funny how he 'army crawls' with only one arm and one leg.

Here is the cute ball of hair. His little head can be full of curls if I wet it down and fluff it up. I guess he gets that from me. He has so much of it!

Cupboards, yep, he gets mad if we don't let him play with the ones above the counter. The lower cabinets aren't good enough.

"Are you talking about me again?"

It's a lot of fun watching him figure things out. Turning on/off light switches is another new trick he likes to spend time on.

Yep, he's even a big help in the kitchen...unloading the dishwasher.

Bowls, bowls and more bowls. The more noise, the better I guess.

And it wouldn't be complete, if he wasn't searching for the stairs, and attempting to conquer them!

This is so hard to leave whenever he needs to take a nap. He stands up and reaches out for me. What a sweet slice of cutie pie.

Now, just a few weeks later from the first clip, Ammon has become a very good crawler! He's all over the place. As you will see his brother and sisters love him a ton. Also he loves to play with all the door stoppers and chew on the toppers. He knows where every stopper is...crazy little guy!


Cheryl Smith said...

Those cheeks! I just want to pinch them - they are sooo cute! He looks so sweet!

Coach Lee said...

oh my gosh, those curls!

Brittany said...

that is the cutest thing ever! i love his curls and his face is just picture perfect! sure is a boy through and through--into everything! ;)

PS that disclaimer on my blog about ethan WAS for your hubby--he gave me a hard time about the other sunday... :)

Stacey DeMille Wardwell said...

Oh man, Ammon is so cute -- I guess I'll have to on my toes when I watch him - he's moving pretty fast!