Tuesday, November 25, 2008


What's your husband's name? Trent
How long have you been married? 10 years--a lot longer then Kristin ;o)
How long did you date? about 4 mo. (then engaged for 2 more mo.)
Who said I love you first? (is this a memory game--I fail) I think he did
Who asked who out first? He asked me...that's a fact! ;o)
Who kissed who first? He kissed me
How old is he? 32 yrs.
Who eats the sweets? For sure it's me...but he has his moments too!
Who sings best? I think you will have to ask the kids on that one...but I think they will vote for me
Who's smarter? yeah, he is
Who cooks dinner and does laundry? Laundry usually falls on me...but it makes sense for how busy we are. But surprisingly, he loves to cook, and does a fabulous job. I'm so blessed ;o)
Who mows the lawn? That one is me...because I love it...call me crazy
Who pays the bills? He does, but we both are very aware of every penny
Who drives? When we are together, it would be him...sore subject when we travel...wardwell's and sleep driving don't mix but they try.
Who wears the pants? For the most part we are on equal ground...but we obviously have our roles and specialties
Our favorite couple thing to do: (ask me in 5 years--we are in survival mode) is this hypothetical...we would love to travel the world together...but in reality, we do what we can, so typically that's finding time to be together and watching Thurs. night comedy
His favorite pastimes: going to the gym and Michigan football
What I love most about him: I love his eyes and how handsome he is. Also, he is very talented in creative writing...you should read some of his stuff, he's hilarious...you need to do more honey!

I tag Kendall, Carrie, Tana, and Robin ;)


DeAnn said...

I love mowing the lawn too!

Brittany said...

fun to know! my mom is the mower too. i do it only when the backyard weeds are as tall as the kids! i'd love to hear his writing too. my bro in law is so talented that way too, i love it. you guys are a great couple--complimenting eachother wonderfully. :) (dated for 4 months??? wow! you sound like evan and cheryl!)