Wednesday, August 6, 2008

School Begins

Let's just say it was Christmas in August for Raegan...I'm not really sure what time she woke up, but it was still dark and no one was awake...that is until she woke Tarin to join her.

Raegan started Pre-K
Tarin started Kindergarden

Jarom was still a little excited, but agrees with Rian, "back to work". Jarom started 2nd grade.

I think deep down, she was excited for her first day of 3rd grade

Here they are, ready for daddy to take them to school. Starting Monday we will have them ride the bus to school. I promise, they were just doesn't show.

According to Raegan, this was her favorite part of the day (the whole day was fun, but she said this was her favorite).

Yes, all 4 of the kids that got off do go to one household. Wow, 4 Wardwell's in one school. Ammon will miss out.


Andrea Bake said...

That's great that Raegan is so enthusiastic!

Andrea Bake said...

That's great that Raegan is so enthusiastic!

Wendy said...

It's also Christmas for you, since you're down to one kid now. Me too! Yahoo. Maybe I'll see you at the Y soon.

Brittany said...

i love raegan's face in all the pics, she's so excited! how cute! that's awesome she's in pre-k at the school, that's convenient! what is it like to have most of the day with ONE kid???