Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tonsillectomy and Adenoid Removal Surgery

Over the years, Raegan has had numerous sore throats, ear infections and other ailments that kept her home from school.  In November/December she was out for awhile and finally took her to the doctor.  She not only had strep but tonsil stones.  I know, right?!  What are those.  Just food and other build up getting into the crevices of her tonsils and then causing problems.  This wasn't the main problem, but added to the doctor recommending her getting them removed.  After seeing a specialist and him thoroughly checking things, he also recommended getting her adenoids removed.  I knew she snored, but I guess 95% of her nose airway was blocked by the adenoids.  Finally, we scheduled the surgery and were glad to be on the road to helping her feel better.

Giving me the "I don't know about this" face.  Silly girl.

She was pretty nervous, but excited.  She was ready and willing to be healthier and stronger.


I'm not sure she really understood what it would be like after surgery.  Waking up was hard, but the nurses said she did really really well.  Doctor said her tonsils were kind of tucked into her throat so he had to do a little bit of "digging."  He said they were definitely bigger then normal ones he's seen.  But she recovered really well from the anesthesia.  We picked up her pain meds, then to a store for her to pick out popsicles and other soothing treats.  On to a long road of recovery.

 Her little stuffed animal also got the treatment and wore a hair net. :o)

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