Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Day At The Parade

2010 Turin Tractor Parade...Trent saw this in the local news Saturday morning. I, of course, love these things. So being the good guy he is, told me to go. I decided to invite a friend, Symony, that also has a camera she's trying to learn on. Being the even better guy that Trent is, watched her kids too so we could spend the morning/afternoon out. So here are just a few pics of the day...still have soo much to learn!
Loving the South!

My parents have had one of these tractors since I was a wee little one...I didn't know they still made them!


The parade only lasted about an hour, so we drove to another place to practice our shots...again, I love the south for it's charm and beauty!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Fun pictures! I sooo wish I could have taken Tanner to that. You have no idea how much he would have loved that. Good for you to get away for a while and how nice of Trent too.