...there was a little boy who loved everything about life...Jello being one of those. He would walk around his kingdom wondering what next to conquer. "Humm," he thought, "tackled the stairs, beautified the walls, filled up all those dangerous holes in the floors (air vents), taught the locals to swim in those swirly ponds, pranced around with all kinds of apparel including the birthday suit, jumped around on all the fluffy platforms, saved the chariot from those shiny discs (CDs) and hydrated the kingdom with my talented spitting abilities...what to do next?"Well, as he was going through a long lost closet, he stumbled upon something new. He had found a new hobby that was once taken up by his oldest brother. TRAINS! "Something to do, that I haven't conquered yet!," he thought with eyebrows high and interest sparked. He began to build and play, build and play. Each new day he finds his creation destroyed from older siblings and builds and plays again. "Finally," thought his mother, "something to keep him at bay while the kingdom rebuilds and prepares for the upcoming yet fast approaching 'terrible two's'."
What a fun entry - I think you should also be a writer along with your photography! It's fun to see Ammon playing with trains - he looks so grown up!
I LOVE the black and white one of him with the colored train. Go Team GeoTrax. Funny--that's what Bebjamin has recently discovered! Nice not to have to buy new toys!
Isaac loves trains too--I think it's the cutest thing. Why did we not live by each other with these boys--they would have been such good little buddies and we could have commiserated together about their antics. :)
oh he is too cute. what a smooch! i got lucy a little train starter set for christmas. she loves those thomas the tank engines but man their expensive so we opted for the plastic ones. you train looks way funner. is it motorized? oh yeah and you got some really cute photos too!
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