Sunday, August 23, 2015


This incident still has me baffles.  Trent was out of town since a few days ago, so I sent him this picture and tried to explain what happened...if only I knew what really happened...still not sure.  Sunday morning, we had time to waste since church is at 11am.  Ammon was out on the back patio with a screw driver and hammer digging through the flower beds (he likes to stay busy doing random things...)  I'm in my bathroom getting ready and windows are open.  I hear a sudden POW like a quick explosion like a shot gun.  I went to the window and asked if he was ok... nothing.  So I called to him again, finally he responded but obviously confused.  He came in and showed me this.  I think a shot gun shell was buried in the dirt or a bullet.  With all the construction debris or even Ammon finding it and forgot he buried it... I don't know, but he hit it with the screw driver and hammer and it exploded and spread buck shot or just sandy dirt all over his leg that was close to it.  It welted up but went down after a little bit.  Just glad it wasn't worse.  He was shaken up, but was fine after most of it healed up.

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