Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Teenager Birthday 1 3

I can't believe my big boy is 13!  Jarom has grown up so fast...and I mean up...he has passed me in height and about to pass his dad.  That's good, we need some height in this family.  Anyway, he is my sweet, tenderhearted boy.  I love his joy, obedience, love for others, his witty humor, and his smile.  No doubt he was meant for our family.
Tradition - pancake breakfast with a candle wish to kick off the day.

Another tradition - help mom make birthday cake.  Jarom wanted a whopper cake.  So baked up the two layers, iced it with chocolate icing and then topped the cake with crunchy whoppers. 

Happiest day to you!  May all your wishes come true.  Love my boy!

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