Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trivia Question

Guest Blogger for this evening...Rhonda is at work for a few hours so this is the fun I was treated to.

How many "Weapons of Choice" do you see in this Picture?

Think you know the Answer? One....Two....Three????? Think you've got it?

What is your answer? Did you say Two?

Well, if you answered "Three and a half" are right!!!


Weapon #1 - Plastic Toy Torpedo, used in swimming pools or bathtubs in this case

Weapon #1 1/2 - Ammon's Personal "missle"...this is gently hidden behind his belly for the sake of the children - great Camera Phone angle by me if I don't say so myself.

Weapon #2 1/2 - 3 1/2 - Ammon's "Homemade Torpedos" looks like a dud but one looks like it could sink the Titanic.

Gotta love parenting!!!

(p.s. The tub has officially been bleached now, it will re-open in the morning)


Kiley said...


Coach Lee said...

ha ha

Kendall said...

Trent, seriously, we laughed so hard when we read this. Though it is funny, we too have been there...though I don't think we have any pictures of it!

Cheryl Smith said...

I bet Rhonda is grateful that you were on "daddy duty"! LOL!

davidcarriebrownfam said...

You are such a nerd big brother, but thanks for the laugh!

Stacey DeMille Wardwell said...

Gee, your blog has taken on a slightly different tone than it usually has. Like father like son:)

DeAnn said...

Yes, I was admiring your camera skills...

Jill Ison said...

oh gross! but oh so funny too :) k im still chuckling a little