Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Stitches

Well, Raegan decided to fly off the stairs and land at the bottom on her chin. The thud said it all. Mom and dad spent an evening at Urgent Care (good thing Gma Wardwell was here). It was only two stitches, and Raegan was sooo brave. She didn't cry at all, the doctor was amazed. Well, two days later...we noticed Raegan had been picking at her chin. Turns out, she had pulled out both stitches! I think it will be fine, but we weren't too happy with her. Across the board, Raegan is ahead with two trips to Urgent Care for stitches (the other time was for her finger caught in the door jam) and Jarom with only one for falling off the bleachers (another chin for stitches.) I'm sure more adventures lay ahead of us.

1 comment:

DeAnn said...

Ouch! Karen got stitches a couple of weeks ago too (see blog). Our urgent care wouldn't do it though and sent us to the ER--I'm still waiting for the bill....